Client Testimonials
“I followed along with Alana when she shared some simple exercises in her latest newsletter and was able to replicate the method while driving when my shoulder and neck pain recurred. I had a 90% reduction of pain and was able to continue driving comfortably.
It was so simple. I’ve been bothered by this neck tension for decades and now I have a simple and effective solution. Very grateful to Alana for sharing her expertise and intrigued to learn more.”
“Doing Somatic Yoga with Alana has allowed me to dare to physically challenge my body again. Her gentle, non-judgemental teachings have helped me start moving in ways in which I haven’t moved for a long time. I have more of a sense of ease and less pain with daily activities.
Somatic Yoga has also helped with core strength. Engaging my core comes more naturally when I am working out or doing recreational sports. I feel much stronger and more fit. I recently completed a 23 km hike in the mountains without injury, and I credit this to what I have learned from Alana. Thanks Alana!”
“In May 2019 I lost my gelding. With the lack of consistent exercise, my right hip developed bursitis, that was painful and debilitating. I received one cortisone injection, but I did not want to make that a habit. I had previously done some Yoga, but I found, because of other injuries, many of the poses were too difficult. Alana suggested I try Somatic Movement. We were just entering the pandemic, so I began taking weekly classes with her on Zoom.
One of the most difficult things for me, was slowing down and listening to my body. Learning how to do this consciously has had a positive impact on my entire life. Due to a daily practice of somatic movements, my bursitis gradually receded; and I now have a way to deal with the minor aches and pains that come with having an active lifestyle at the age of 76. Thanks you Alana.”
“I had heard about the benefits of Somatic Movement classes, and I was curious to see if Somatic Movement could help relieve my chronic muscle aches and joint pain in my shoulders and neck. As an added benefit I had also read that this modality of movement included the mind and thus could help me feel less stressed and overwhelmed as it worked with the nervous system.
It’s been well over a year now that I’ve been attending Alana’s Somatic Movement group sessions either in person or online via Zoom. Typically, I get bored with exercise classes and quit after a few months, however, this was not the case with Alana’s classes. Alana has the ability to teach Hanna Somatic Education in a simple, yet detailed way which makes it interesting as she introduces new concepts and movements to regain proper muscle function. What’s great as well is the small class size (up to 9 participants) allowing for individual attention and everyone to get to know each other.
After each class – no exception – I have greater freedom of movement without stiffness, improved coordination, and balance. I can feel my nervous system is in a more relaxed state of calm and peace. I also have a better understanding of why I hurt and how I can find relief through mindful slow movement. I cannot thank Alana enough for introducing me to Somatic Movmeent and look forward to the next group session!”
“I was diagnosed with a genetic abnormality in the right hip. This disability caused even periods of inactivity to become unbearable. Sitting in a vehicle, or at my desk and in the end even sleep became impossible due to pain.
I had been seeing ‘experts’ for treatment of my physical issues. Sports medicine doctors, physiotherapists. Even a published practitioner who specialized in hip disorders and injuries. Narcotics and anti-inflammatory medications, both topical and oral were prescribed with little effect.
Alana explained to me what she would do to help to treat my injury. I was desperate to try anything, as at the time, I had no idea when my surgery would take place. I found Alana to be a genuine, kind, and well-spoken lady. More importantly, however, is her impressive knowledge and ability to assess where and how my body mechanic issues as a whole and not only my hip was affecting me.
After the initial session with Alana, my wife was waiting for me. She could tell immediately, by the way I walked towards the vehicle, that my gait and body mechanics appeared to be normal. I certainly felt less pain as well.
I believe seeing Alana before and after my surgery enabled me to recover quickly and lessen the amount of pain medications I needed to take. Also, it gave me a head start to begin the road back to becoming an active person again.
I do feel great now and I have Alana to thank for my state of well-being.”
“For me, the benefits of this yoga therapy are many. The physical benefits include feeling much more relaxed and having better posture after my hour with Alana. I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and personally know that yoga is a practice that I should commit more time to. Each week my instruction is catered specifically to any symptoms I may be experiencing whether related to MS or not. I personally feel lucky to have private instruction where the focus is about what “I” may need at that particular time. I feel fortunate to have Alana on my side of personal well-being.”
“The hockey marathon took a huge toll on our bodies and I’m quite serious when I say I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help. I appreciate your time every day during the event and want to thank you for all your help. I remember how sore I was walking into some of your classes between our 4-hour hockey shifts, I was having difficulty walking up the stairs to your room, and after doing yoga therapy with you for a short 1/2 hour I was able to walk normally again. Obviously, you were unable to come to the rink during those middle-of-the-night breaks and I was able to do some of the stretches that you taught us. Since the event I have been doing a lot of breathing exercises to help me with my sore muscles and to help me get to sleep. There is no way that a group of 40 guys would be able to play hockey for 246 hours without the help of our volunteers like yourself. Thank you so much!”
“I didn’t realize how much tension I held in my body (even when I thought I was relaxed!) until Alana positioned me and encouraged me to release it … ‘Can you relax just 10 to 15% more?’ and I did. I didn’t realize that the low hum of emotional discomfort I felt was anxiety until I felt truly calm and quiet through guided breathing and meditation. After each class, I felt better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I also learned skills that, when practiced 🙂, improve my daily life. Thanks, Alana.”
“I have been seeing Alana in both Private sessions and class settings for over 6 years and it amazes me how such little movements can have such big rewards.
I first started seeing Alana on a private basis to help me cope with and overcome pain from carpal tunnel through a series of movements that relaxed my strained forearm muscles and improved my mobility. With Alana’s help, I was able to participate in an annual group camping trip and enjoy my time.
Alana’s classes have helped me through a recent stressful time, alleviating headaches and tension. Her voice is so relaxing and her vocal cues helped me slow down and concentrate on my inner sensing. One of my favourite classes focuses on hips and legs. I once told Alana, “I feel like the Tin Man and you provide the oil.”
Thank you, Alana, for teaching me how interrelated our body is and how to focus within to help regain movement and balance!”
“Two years ago I broke my back and had to undergo surgery to repair the damage. Little did I know that the pain was just beginning. I tried physiotherapy, acupuncture, medications, and massage but nothing seemed to relieve me of the intense lower back pain I was having. Then I discovered SomaYoga taught by Alana Burton. Within one session I already could feel a difference throughout my body and a reduction in pain. The more I went, the less and less pain I began to have. After only 6 months of practicing SomaYoga, I am almost 100% pain-free, and on the days when my back does begin to feel sore, I am equipped with the tools that allow me to feel better. The movements are simple and easy to remember yet they make such an incredible impact on your body. I am so happy that I discovered SomaYoga because it has allowed me to return to all the activities I love, pain-free. I would highly recommend it to anyone with any kind of pain. It is truly a miracle and I am forever grateful.”
“Big thank you to certified soma yoga therapist and awesome Ironside client Alana for great soma yoga therapy session. This was my big win today!!!! Love how I felt afterwards. It was like a magic to my body. If any of my friends and clients suffer from shoulder, hips, back discomfort and you like to try something new (very far from regular yoga) message me or Alana privately for more info. You won’t be disappointed. Love you Alana.”
“I am so glad I discovered you. It is amazing how different my hip and back feel after only one session. Thank you for the explanation of the exercises so I can do them at home. It felt great last evening. There was a lot less pain in my hip and back. It felt almost normal. When I got in and out of my vehicle, my legs swung in and out with ease. I couldn’t believe the change. And when I walked, again it was with ease. Because of the change, it made me realize how long I have been suffering with this hip and back pain. I slept a lot better last night. I woke up feeling refreshed because I hadn’t been constantly tossing and turning trying to alleviate the pain in my hip.”
“Alana is a fabulous somatic yoga instructor. She’s extremely knowledgeable and very intuitive and compassionate in her teaching approach.
I first started her classes three months ago. At that time, I had mobility issues with my right groin, hip and foot that were affecting my daily activities. Since taking Alana’s classes, my foot pain is gone, my mobility, gait and posture are improved and I threw away my orthotics.
I would highly recommend Alana’s classes to anyone with ongoing joint, back or chronic pain. I’ve done physiotherapy, chiropractic therapy and for me, this has been by far the most effective treatment to date.”
“Hi Alana,
Thank you so much for following up.
I actually felt amazing after class.
I was pretty sore and tense before class and can’t believe how somewhat simple exercises made such an impact.
Definitely looking forward to more.”
“When you live with pain for so long, you forget what it is like to live without it. You don’t realize the restrictions that come little by little. You don’t notice the things you have to give up bit by bit. But when the pain is finally gone, you are free of so many things – limited mobility, exhaustion, worry. You get the life back you didn’t realize you lost.”
“I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for teaching me the art of Somatic movements—it has truly been a game changer for me. After over 30 years of chronic back pain, I found it impossible to maintain a regular workout routine. I had to give up beer league hockey nine years ago, snowboarding twelve years ago, and even activities like fishing and golf were done in pain, often leaving me immobile for days. Not able to work out and be regulary active led to significant weight gain, and it was incredibly frustrating.
Three years ago, I embarked on a mission to restore my back to a state where I could be active again. I discovered spinal decompression therapy, which provided some relief, and subsequently started using an inversion table a couple of days a week. This allowed me to work out more regularly and gain some mobility, although I was still experiencing discomfort and occasional back spasms during workouts. I was essentially toughing it out, trying to get back into shape from the 260 pounds I had gradually gained over the last decade.
When you mentioned Somatics at a Christmas gathering last year and started to explain how mindful movement and internal sensing to release long term tension patterns. Training your brain to release your muscles… improve neuromuscular function. I was rolling my eyes and not a true believer. However, in the spring I knew I needed to do something so why not give it a shot. I went in with a positive attitude to implement everything you had to teach me. Wow… the best decision of my life!!
The results were almost immediate in terms of improved mobility and regained movement. After just four private clinical somatic education sessions and then following the program you designed for me, which I now incorporate after every workout, I was not only pain-free for the first time in over 25 years, my tightness in my back was completely gone. It has opened up a whole new lifestyle for me that I never thought imaginable. I now work out hard 4-5 days a week and have returned to my marriage weight of 227 pounds.
Alana, your program was the final piece of the puzzle in regaining my fitness and mobility.
Thank you again for everything.”
“I am an 82-year-old man who recently experienced aortic valve replacement heart surgery. After the surgery I was having difficulty breathing due to fluid on my right lung and I had a problem keeping my balance. I have been working with Alana and practicing Somatic Movements and have found a new sense of being! My breathing has improved and I am less short of breath after walking each day. My balance has improved and I can now bend over to tie my shoes. Also, my friends at floor curling have been amazed by my recovery and ability to play three games twice a week only three months after surgery. I practice Somatic Movements every second afternoon and am feeling much better. Thank you, Alana!”
“Thank you thank you! I have to tell you, I found myself in spontaneous fits of laughter throughout the day yesterday and even into the night – gleeful that the pain was all but gone. Today, yes, I seem a wee bit stiff… but, believe me, that’s nothing!”
“Meeting Alana has truly changed my life living with chronic pain.
Shortly after I bought my horse, I was diagnosed with Osteo arthritis and had a hip replacement. The time waiting for the replacement and being so much pain, I compensated with every muscle.
One year after my surgery I was able to start to ride very cautiously, and with a lot of tension. My instructor (who knew Alana) was watching me trying to get in the saddle and quickly said I should see Alana. My range of motion was very limited and he was concerned for my safety.
I had tried physical therapy, chiropractor, and massage, and nothing made a difference until I saw her. I went to her classes and one-on-one appointments.
Her approach is gentle, compassionate, thorough and explains how the brain needs help to get out of its deeply engrained patterns. She taught me how to focus on the sensation of where my tension is, the feeling of contracting the muscles and then total relaxation. The small and subtle actions never hurt but have incredible results.
I am now able to get on my horse from the ground which is amazing!! Being able to ride with my body relaxed, and in rhythm with him has also made him happy, relaxed and so responsive to my requests.
Thank you Alana for your all that you do🌞🐴”
“I went to a group class with a friend to see if somatic movement could help a trap problem I had in my neck which often caused vertigo in the most unpleasant way for the past 10 years. I had been experiencing tailbone pain as well as metatarsal nerve pain too. I also had stiffness and not great mobility. I had been the physio and chiropractor route. The class was difficult as many of the moves hurt my neck because my range of motion was so limited.
I then decided that I would take private classes with Alana. This was a game changer for me. After the first private session my vertigo subsided for two weeks. I had vertigo quite bad after one private class that lasted a couple of hours. Surprisingly, the next morning it was gone and my neck felt great. This continues to be the case. I am in awe of how great this feels to me. life giving. The tailbone and metatarsal pain have also resolved. My hips and legs feel relaxed with very little stiffness. This was a quick change and hard to believe.
Alana is amazing, she is knowledgeable, kind, calm and encouraging. I am deeply indebted to Alana for changing my life. I recommend her to anyone who has been dealing with treatments that didn’t work.”
“I have found this form of yoga therapy to be both unique and powerful. Having been injured long ago, I was in a place where I was not aware of what my body was telling me, and even when I was aware, I lacked the necessary tools to address my body’s needs. Through Alana’s teaching, I have become more aware of my experience, have found a new understanding of the purpose within yoga and have seen an increase in strength and resiliency in my neck, shoulders and core areas due to the targeted – and often modified – moves Alana guides me through.”
“I live with a number of health issues including Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Disease, Osteoarthritis in most of my joints and Chronic Pain from these and other issues. My body feels like an enemy I have to fight day after day, and I was desperate to find something … anything, that would help my body physically as well as provide me with an outlet for stress. Thankfully, I was introduced to Alana Burton and Somatic Reawakenings through a mutual friend and I immediately knew this was the therapy I was looking for. Alana has a generous spirit, a positive attitude and a gentle approach to helping the body heal through therapeutic yoga. By customizing each pose and exercise, Alana makes sure that I am getting exactly what my body needs.”
“I met Alana about 10 years ago where we both board our horses. I was out riding several hours with the group when my leg kept cramping up. Alana came up to me, asked me to get off my horse & taught me how to breathe my way through a cramp getting it to release faster by relaxing my breathing which relaxed my body, which released the cramp. I couldn’t believe it but took the practice with me & used it more times than I can say. I have used it each time I have come off my horse, when I am nervous, when I can’t get to sleep, for relaxing sore muscles, etc. I obviously loved this idea & began to explore it further with Alana. I am now a regular in her Soma Yoga classes & the balance within my body has improved so much. She has taught me how to observe my body & how to give it what it needs – maybe it’s my back or my hips, shoulders or even my jaw that needs attention & I now can recognize this & am constantly learning different ways to release tension in areas of my body through working with her. She is so easy to follow & understand. She will always take time to explain things & introduce new ideas which might work for you personally. This is a practice anyone can do and your body will thank you. Thank you, Alana. I am so glad I found you!”
“Somatic Yoga has been a lifesaver for me. After struggling to find a method to relieve my chronic pain and joint hypermobility issues, I tried a group session with Alana. From the very first class, my pain disappeared and continues to do so as I integrate Somatics into my everyday routine. It has also done wonders for my mental health, giving me a break from stress, OCD, and anxiety. I would highly recommend doing Somatic Yoga to anyone, and in particular, those struggling with pain or mental health issues. Somatic Yoga is a truly amazing approach and Alana is a highly intuitive and wonderful coach.”
“Originally, I went to Alana to help with chronic pain in my lower back following a car accident. What I discovered was the movements and breathing not only released tension and pain but also enabled me to sleep better. I wake up during the night and when I have trouble falling back to sleep, I just begin the movements and breathing that I learned from Alana. Before I know it I am back to sleep. Alana provides assessments and movements for what I need each day and I appreciate the written practice and homework to remind me of the movements between sessions.
My physiotherapist often comments on how complimentary Alana’s practice is to her work. It is obvious to her when I have had a session with Alana in the days before my physio appointment. I would highly recommend Alana to anyone with ongoing pain, tension, or sleep problems. I am so grateful for the peace and calm her work has brought into my life.
Thank you, Alana.”
“Life’s blessings come when you least expect them. Practicing Somatic Yoga with Alana has been one for me. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus in my early 20’s and have spent decades learning to live and work around chronic joint and muscle pain. Rest, various pain medications and other forms of yoga are some of the things that I have used to keep me mobile and functioning over the years. My life is a balancing act between my health and my life as an artist and farmer. Living across the country meant that attending practice with Alana was not an option, my hope was that on one of our visits west I might be able to schedule a private session. The arrival of the pandemic and the switch to virtual classes changed all that.
When I started the practice last year I was at the lowest point in decades. My balance was so bad I couldn’t go up or down the stairs without having a hand on each wall. My working day had to be carefully divided into smaller segments of time and balanced with rest periods.
Practicing Somatics with Alana changed all that. I no longer need to balance on the walls and plan each footstep on the stairs, my strength is returning, and my use of pain medication is less than half of what it was. When discomfort does happen, I no longer shove it to the back of my mind and push on. I have the tools to know where it is originating and what I have to do to fix the problem quickly and easily. I am more productive now and more comfortable than I have been in years. Alana’s knowledge and passion for helping others live their best life is what makes her so good at what she does and I would recommend her to anyone seeking to improve their health and mobility.”
“Meeting Alana and being introduced to Somatics has been a turning point in my life. Because I have a number of chronic conditions including arthritis and scoliosis I had lost agility and flexibility. Finding an exercise program that worked for me, that actually helped rather than make things worse, generating more pain and discomfort was difficult. However, Alana’s wonderful way of teaching movements, her kindness and understanding have allowed me to improve so very very much.
I am now able to use muscles and move specific joints independently. What a wonderful feeling of freedom. Plus a great boost to ones self confidence. Thanks Alana for everything.”
“On Alana’s advice I have incorporated Somatics into my daily yoga practice. In addition to having lupus, I also have scoliosis so daily yoga plays a vital role in my well-being. With the addition of Somatics I have noticed that I am less stiff upon waking in the morning, my body is more open when practicing a number of yoga postures, and I am experiencing less discomfort in my lower back on a daily basis. I look forward to continuing my body’s re-awakening with a regular Somatics practice.”
“When I began the sessions, I was experiencing shoulder and neck pain, uneven shoulder posture, and hip pain. Although I have previously had some relaxation success with classroom yoga sessions, I was hoping that Alana could work with me to design a more personalized program – something that I could do at my own pace, on my own schedule, at home. I was also hoping that she could suggest some techniques that would adjust each pose for my individual body type (unstable hips and elbows that tend to hyper-extend in many poses – issues that have not previously been addressed in other classroom sessions) as well as my own personality (a high strung “type-A” that tends to push through poses rather than allowing my body to relax into them). Alana has met all of these requests and exceeded my expectations on many fronts.”
“I just got out of Alana’s class and I feel absolutely amazing! I highly recommend everyone to do it after or before a game as it really helps relax those aching muscles.”
“I want to thank Alana Burton for providing me & many other teammates her Somatic Yoga. I found the yoga nicely complemented the massage, physio, and chiropractic therapies I was also being treated with. Somatic Yoga played a key role in my success in not only completing the World’s Longest Hockey game but also contributing greatly to avoiding injury by balancing my body and helping me wind down so that I could maximize my very short rest periods. Thanks for being part of our team Alana.”
“Over the past few years, I have had a couple of equine-assisted ground impacts. These have resulted in fractures that with time and caution healed but my body also took some precautions which left me with several issues. I worked with Alana on previous occasions and decided I needed her help again. In the past 3 months, she has helped fix my posture which relieved some of my ongoing pains. We have also worked on other issues that had surfaced because of the fractures. I can now ride my horse pretty much pain-free. The homework she provided has been very informative and easy to follow and has helped in getting such good results.”
“I very much enjoy the classes. Alana has a very gentle and calming spirit. She is very thorough in teaching and takes time to explain if needed.”
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Alana in her group therapeutic yoga classes. During the sessions, Alana was very responsive to concerns and adapted exercises to fit individual needs. One of the best benefits for me was the centeredness physically and emotionally that I carried with me to horse riding class.”
“Alana provides a great Somatics practice in her classes with the added bonus of breathing exercises each class. She is attentive to the individual needs of each of us. I leave feeling more relaxed in my mind, less tension in my body, and more energy overall.”
“I love your class, not only are you completely suited to this but, you draw a class of people that are also suited to this. I not only go to your class because my back feels better, but the atmosphere is so freeing. I feel that everyone who attends has an amazing spirit. I have never, ever felt this anywhere else.”
“I am just coming back from my doctor; I had an ultrasound of my knee a few months ago and she said my knee had inflammation, etc., and physical therapy might help, but I said I don’t have any pain anymore. Then my doctor said, whatever you did helped your knee to heal, so your class absolutely worked.”
“I have been working with Alana for a year now, simply because somatics has been the only way for me to control my lower back pain. I have scoliosis and have struggled with back pain since I was about 10 and have seen my fair share of physiotherapists, chiropractors, and doctors. I came to Alana first with the issue of lower back pain and later being unable to sit for extended periods of time without extreme pain. After even our first session, I could feel an enormous improvement with the pain I felt, or rather, not feel. Since that first class with her, we have come up with tools that I can use when I feel an ache in my back, and even other places all over my body as well as a preventative routine that I have worked into my everyday life. I have gained an awareness of my body and have ways to respond and react if I ever feel uncomfortable. Alana has made herself available for me, if I ever need help or have a question, especially since I now live out of province for school. She is someone who truly cares about her clients and their well-being and I am so grateful that she has come into my life.”
“My physiotherapist was stunned at the improvement in my tendinitis in just 2 days since my session with you. She said that she wants me to continue with the practice for another week before she does any physiotherapy!!!”
“I just wanted you to know that I went to my chiropractor this morning. She was thrilled to see how wonderful my body is looking and holding up. I had to have an adjustment but it was very small. So small that she doesn’t want to see me for a few months.
I told her that it was all because of your class. She was thrilled. Hopefully more people will be calling you as she said that they will continue recommending you.”
“Thank you for the class today.
It has actually eased much of my discomfort.
How simple, who knew!!
I couldn’t believe how tired I was afterwards. I needed a nap after lunch and I could definitely feel a positive difference in my body when I woke up.
Looking forward to our next class.”
“Thank you for your Somatic Movement classes. Although I am used to a lot of movement (I seem to be always on the move), and it was challenging to slow down, I’m finding that your instruction is helping me to manage my low back and SI joint issues…I’ve noticed a significant improvement.
So thank you for this :)”
Restore Your Body. Reclaim Your Life.
Are You Ready To Leave Pain Behind and Reclaim Your Life?
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